
The advent of the internet has created and allowed for many amazing advancements. From being able to shop for almost anything that you need at your fingertips to virtually visiting another country without needing to step a foot into said country.

But also because of this, the digital landscape has now become extremely saturated. Cutting through the noise to reach your target audience is now more challenging than ever. With a myriad of brands vying for attention, creating a strategy that resonates is crucial.

If you are having trouble reaching your desired target audience, read on to find out how some brands have managed to tackle this issue head on.

1. Understand Your Audience Deeply

It’s a basic fact.

You cannot truly achieve success in your marketing campaign unless you at least have some common knowledge about the audience that you are targeting. Following this basic principle will create a strong foundation to the road of creating a successful campaign. If unsure on where to start, begin by creating buyer personas with specific demographic, psychographic and behaviour details.

Tools like Google Analytics and social media insights can be used to get the data on your audience’s preferences and behaviours. More specifically, GWI is a versatile research solution that provides detailed information about consumer behaviour, opinions, and preferences. It offers information from more than 50 countries and allow brands to create their campaigns in a way that fits the requirements and interests of their audiences.

Our campaign for Provital, “Activate Your Immunity,” utilised insights to deeply understand their audience. They wanted to engage health-conscious consumers and raise awareness about the importance of immunity, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our goal was to develop an informative and entertaining campaign based on the increasing concern that audiences had with their health. The strategy embraced in the campaign was increased awareness to consumers on the advantages of using Provital products for boosting immunity.

As a result, the campaign led to more than 20 million social media reach, an increase in sales value by 244% during the campaign period, a 28% increase in brand awareness, and a 6% boost in market share, overtaking some of the competitors market share.

2. Efficiency in Execution

A good strategy can go a long way, but an even better execution will truly determine the outcome of the whether the campaign is deemed a success or not.

Our Local Heroes Regional Campaign for Grab is a great example of an efficiently executed campaign. The brand aimed to help promote small businesses that were affected by the pandemic. The campaign focused on celebrating local heroes – small businesses that played a crucial role in their communities.

Our strategy was to create a highly efficient and resource-effective campaign. This was done through the creation of 7,000 creative assets in two weeks with the use of our Digital Creative Automation (DCA) tool, which provided an 80% reduction in required resources and managed to attain an 80% savings in overall campaign cost. The campaign effectively helped to raise the public perception of Grab and helped local businesses at the time when they needed it the most.

3. Create High-Quality and Personalised Content

No matter how creative how innovative that idea in your mind is, you have got to put it into execution and ensure the content that you are putting out is of high quality and personalised. No one wants shoddy or half-hearted work, because if you didn’t put in an effort that you yourself wouldn’t be proud of, then why would others care?

High quality and personalised content will automatically draw the attention of your audience. Allocating resources on the development of quality blog posts, videos, infographics, and podcasts will be extremely helpful for the development of a company’s branding and reputation.

Our work with PropertyGuru exemplifies the power of high-quality content. By creating engaging and informative content tailored to their audience’s needs, PropertyGuru has been able to maintain a strong online presence and build trust with its users.

The brand wanted to engage homeowners and the target buyers in the real estate market therefore developing trust. The campaign was well thought out and the focus was to offer useful and relevant information that would help the target audience with related issues regarding property and real estate investment.

This was achieved through the creation of thousands of individualised digital creatives with customised text, again utilising our DCA tool for targeting the different segments on different platforms. As a result, over 150 creatives were optimised per week with an average click-to-visit rate of 200% (previously only 40 to 50%) along with the establishment of PropertyGuru as Malaysia’s number one property site by gaining 47% market share back in 2021.

Other Prominent Supporting Campaigns

Image source: Bernard Marr

Aside from the previously shown work done by us, there are also a lot of other varied case studies done by other brands. Nike, for example, used customer data to customise their campaigns, and as a result, experienced a dramatic rise in both engagement and sales.

Image Source: The Brand Hopper

Moreover, the “Share a Coke” campaign by Coca-Cola had personalised bottles and a firm social media presence to attract customers through different platforms. As a result, when the campaign launched in Australia, sales increased by a total of 3%, meanwhile in the Unites States, the campaign increased sales by 2.5% the year the campaign launched.

HubSpot, for example, has turned into a top choice for marketers to use as reference as the brand very often share informative and high-quality content with their readers. This has helped them build up their followers and position themselves as thought leaders.

Image Source: Business Wire


With these strategies, we hope it’ll be of use to help you break through the noise and successfully get in touch with your target audience. The way you deal with your audience should be adapted to what would work best based on each target audience’s unique characteristics.

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